Next Community Food Distribution: March 11, 2020

AMBER Alert Prayers

Today, I remind us to continue to persevere in our prayers for our families with children. A snapshot of the applications from the sermon.
  1. Pray for your neighbor's children (love your neighbor as yourself). We want the Lord to save all our children.
  2. Pray for you own children and do not assume they are saved because they attend worship service or participate in church activities. By their fruits you can assess whether they belong to the Lord or not.
  3. Pray with others. It does not need to be a rigid schedule or formal. Simply agree with other believers on a date and time and spend time praying for your children. Even 15 minutes a session is fine.
After preaching this sermon, I have committed to praying on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Find a time and schedule that you can maintain and be willing to change it if you find your schedule is not sustainable. The Lord is on our side.

Pastor F. Butler