Next Community Food Distribution: March 11, 2020

This email is to inform you that the 2022-2023 Offering envelopes will be available for pickup starting, Sunday, September 25th in the Mangaroo Hall.

While we have your attention:

If your address, phone, or other information has changed, please update your information. Click link here Update Olivet Records Form.
If you have been using the Olivet App for giving and no longer want to receive offering envelopes, please email us at, and instruct us to discontinue ordering your envelopes.
If you are interested in an alternative to giving by envelopes and save on checks, and give anytime and anywhere, look no further than our Olivet Gospel Church App (Olivet App). It is a free download from your Google or Apple app store. LEARN MORE.
We continue to thank God for your faithfulness in fellowship and giving at Olivet Gospel Church. May the Lord continue to show you favor for your faithfulness.
Your Giving Support Team
Olivet Gospel Church