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Olivet Gospel Church

Prayer Meeting Bulletin

August 17, 2022

Topic: “Praise & Testimony”

Scripture Reading

Psalm 150: 1-6

1 Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,
4 praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe,
5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.

5 Practices to Help a Missionary Thrive in Hard Times

August 15, 2022
By: Victoria L. Smith
Change. Uncertainty. Loneliness. These words might resonate with you as you think about the past couple of years. Or they could also describe a day in the life of a missionary.
Since Brian McGeever joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1998, he has served in Papua New Guinea and in the U.S. in a variety of roles. In his current role he focuses on the overall well-being of Wycliffe missionaries. He shared five key practices that help missionaries thrive during hard times.


When Brian first arrived in Papua New Guinea, there was so much to learn. Between learning a new language to navigating another culture, so many things were different than life in the U.S. “Things I had taken for granted were suddenly missing or looked different. I had to adapt to a new way of life and figure out how to do life in a different country,” he said.

Through that experience, Brian realized how important it was to have a learner’s mindset. Proverbs 1:5 says: “Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance” (NLT). A fit mind exercised by healthy habits of lifelong learning, problem solving and facing fears is critical to thriving
through challenges.

“In the midst of cross-cultural stress, I sometimes found it difficult to understand what I was feeling and why,” Brian said. “Adapting to a new way of life challenged me and tested my ability to manage my reactions in the midst of stress.” But confronting these challenges can help us understand why we react to situations in certain ways:
“Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn back to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40, NLT).

Brian’s experiences became an opportunity for him to engage more fully in life and respond to stressors with a healthier perspective. By embracing wholeness Brian found it possible to respond to challenges with steady emotional regulation and realistic optimism.
Brian McGeever

Life in Papua New Guinea brought a unique and tangible sense of community for Brian. At one point, he and his wife were in a season of burnout but didn’t realize it. A colleague saw their struggle and told them that it seemed like it was time for them to go back home to the U.S. “The fact that they were willing to have a hard conversation in a kind and compassionate way showed us they truly cared,” Brian said.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says: “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing” (NLT). As we build and maintain relationships, we can care for each other by staying accountable to one another. Instead of relying simply on our own abilities to endure and stand strong, we develop a deeper communion with God and each other in our weaknesses.


Life on the field not only raised emotional and spiritual challenges, but physical ones as well. “It was a challenge on the field to maintain my physical health,” Brian mentioned.
Even daily tasks can take more time and energy than a person might be used to in their home country. Brian recognized that tending to his health often took a back seat to everything else, but he found it critical to his
overall wellbeing.

Caring for physical health doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym every morning or doing the same routine every day. However thriving does involve developing healthy habits like adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise. Rest and recreation are also vital parts of maintaining health.

As Scripture reminds us: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31, NLT).


During his time in Papua New Guinea, Brian experienced many challenges; some of these were even life-threatening. “Those tough experiences often left me feeling defeated, but it was during those times that I needed to remember my foundational purpose an meaning,” Brian said. “My identity
in Christ is my foundation as I follow him. It’s the ‘why’ behind everything I do.”

It can be helpful to remind ourselves of who we are and whose we are on the journey of becoming more like Christ: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28, NLT).


Brian mentioned that Mark 9:24 has helped him in tough circumstances. In that passage, Jesus is talking to a man and the man says: “I believe; help my unbelief!” (ESV) In that one simple statement, the man professed his faith, but in the very next moment he acknowledged that he was missing a whole lot.

“Just like this man, I need to remember to call on God to help me where I lack,” Brian said.

These five practices are critical to developing and maintaining the ability to thrive in every season of life. Brian said, “I don’t think of them as goals; instead, each practice plays a part in my lifelong journey of becoming more like Christ and serving where God has called me.”
To learn more life patterns to help you thrive, watch this webinar!

Power In Praise

Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever. — 2 Chronicles 20:21
Today's Scripture:
2 Chronicles 20:15-22

Willie Myrick was kidnapped from his driveway when he was 9 years old. For hours, he traveled in a car with his kidnapper, not knowing what would happen to him. During that time, Willie decided to sing a song called “Every Praise.” As he repeatedly sang the words, his abductor spewed profanity and told him to shut up. Finally, the man stopped the car and let Willie out— unharmed.
As Willie demonstrated, truly praising the Lord requires us to concentrate on God’s character while forsaking what we fear, what is wrong in our lives, and the self-sufficiency in our hearts.
The Israelites reached this place of surrender when they faced attackers. As they prepared for battle, King Jehoshaphat organized a choir to march out in advance of their enemy’s army. The choir sang, “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever” (2 Chron. 20:21). When the music started, Israel’s enemies became confused and destroyed each other. As the prophet Jahaziel had predicted, Israel didn’t need to fight at all (v.17).
Whether we’re facing a battle or feeling trapped, we can glorify God in our hearts. Truly, “The Lord is great and greatly to be praised” (Ps. 96:4).

 By: Jennifer Benson Schuldt
Reflect & Pray
Dear God, You are holy and good. I worship You today despite the problems that cloud my vision of You. Let my soul tell of Your glory forever.
Worship is a heart verflowing with praise to God.



We are requesting that any new announcements to be included in the Sunday bulletin be submitted to the office by Thursday afternoon.

Thank you.

Sunday school is on summer break and will resume in September

No Study—will resume in September

Remember our focus this year – Look Outside And Bring Someone Inside. So, bring a friend to church with you or help them login to our worship service.


For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:17 NIV