Next Community Food Distribution: March 11, 2020

Week of Prayer & Fast

October 6 - October 10, 2024

Each evening on Zoom from 8 PM to 9 PM

ZOOM ID: 718 325 9485

Here are a few Jottings
1 Thess. 5:16-18
16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Tim. 2:1-2
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
MONDAY (Oct. 7). Pointers & Jottings
Families matters – Parenting, Schooling and students, Marriages, Immigration, Employment, Housing, Health issues; Safety in the city; Seniors. Salvation of Youth & unsaved relatives. Abuse to the children and the elders. The needs of Samuel Adewumi, Kaylen Daley, Narisa Johnson.
Nation – Election November 2024; President; Senators, Mayors, Congress. Gun Violence in the city and schools, Crime, Prejudice, Immorality, Drug and Alcohol addiction, Peace & Refugees in the city.  Thanks to God for His mercies, on the land, blessings and benefits, joys and safety, homes in which we live, neighborhoods and community where we reside.
TUESDAY (Oct. 8). Pointers & Jottings 
Ministries – Sunday School, Camp, Youth, prayer, worship, Men’s & Women’s fellowship, Food Pantry, Clothing ministry, Missions, Seniors, Visitation, Ushers, Choir, Praise & Worship, Music, Outreach, Trustees, Deacons, Oversight, Website, Broadcast/ Transmission, Finance & tithing -giving, Office sec, Mobile app, Nursing, Radio Min -Thanksgiving  for the  many blessing and successes of the church and our personal lives.
WEDNESDAY (Oct. 9). Pointers & Jottings
Unsaved spouses, children, relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Confession of our sin.
Healing of sick. Gilbert Stewart, Veronica Jeffery, Frances Hibbert, Seymour Hills, Sandra Taylor Grant, Carl Ashley, Donald Gray, Maude Morgan, Monica Baker, Thelma Wilks, Andrea Arthur, Sonia Stubbs,
Add other names -:
THURSDAY (Oct. 10).  Pointers & Jottings
Varied Topics.  - Missions, Revival, Deliverance, salvation of souls, 25 new families added to the church, Sunday School, Camp, Youth, prayer, worship, Men’s & Women’s fellowship, Food Pantry, Clothing ministry, Mission outreach.